Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lady Lucks Cowgirl Up!

If you are looking for a fun night, plenty of options of liquor and beer, and a good lookin' waitress- Lady Lucks is the place for you! About a 4 minute drive down Pacific Avenue from  PLU, Lady Lucks main advertisements are their events and VIP areas. As you walk in the bar, and get by the huge bouncer, you will look to the left and see stools at the bar with stripper poles and a large open area next to the VIP area for dancing and karaoke. To your right is more of a restaurant, sit down bar for more of the relaxing experience.


One of the most unique parts of Lady Lucks is there advertising. SEX SELLS! The first lesson you learn in any marketing class is this very important fact. All the bars we have looked at previously has sold on happy hour and quality beer. Lady Lucks- all about the women! Check out their website and tell me that is not true- They have their employees mug shots at the bottom of the site as well. They are bragging I know. Kind of reminds me of Hooters, except Lady Lucks also has high quality food! They also discuss this on their website.

On Thursday through Saturday nights, this is the place to be! And believe me, those poles do not go wasted!


From a marketing standpoint, Lady Lucks does a great job attracting men to the bar with their "Cowgirl" reputation and fun environment. Their events and VIP options also keep Lady Lucks a hip place to be for everyone in the Parkland area. They even have Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter accounts that you can check out to see the upcoming events!

Git 'Er Done!

~ Bret


  1. Since they are using sex appeal as a marketing tool I would assume most of the patrons are men. Do you think this was a good idea?
